hello again!

hello again!

Since I’ve been SO good at keeping up with this blog, I think for a little while I’m just going to try to make quick posts whenever we get a particularly good photo.

This won’t be a photo-a-day or anything like that, but there’s a backlog of stuff I should get up and if I keep waiting until I have time to write a full-length post, it’ll be forever.

Penny Arcade pt.2

Penny Arcade pt.2

This will be a scene in my life someday. Another gem from the guys at Penny Arcade.

Names I Call My Son

Names I Call My Son

I expect this list (and its mere existence) speaks volumes about my parenting style. The following are nicknames that I have called Cooper, some obvious and some not so much:

  • Coop
  • Coopster
  • Coopernicus
  • Cooperman
  • Pooper
  • Pooperman
  • Cooper the super pooper
  • Wiggle
  • Booger
  • Buddy
  • Little man
  • Slugger
  • J.P. McSquishypants OR Ernest C. Squishypants

Please note that these are names I’ve used repeatedly; one-off names are not included.

Also, some pictures:



Ask and ye shall receive, apparently.

As it just so happens, the very day I’d made my post about wanting the mustache pacifier, Cooper’s Auntie Heather had seen one and thought about getting it for him, but took a pass. However, upon learning my desire, she followed through. It arrived on Wednesday, just in time to crack everyone up for Thanksgiving (as well as for Cooper’s 8-week anniversary).

I can barely keep a straight face when he’s wearing it, so I’ve realized I have to save this thing for special occasions. It’s powerful magic.

Thank you Heather!

We had a lovely small T-Day here with just the grandparents (both sides). Had a lot to eat and way too much dessert – and a moderate success on my first attempt at cheesecake – and a surprisingly simple cleanup. We should do this every year!

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Cue the Christmas music.