
This is obviously a very late post, but here’s Cooper’s first fireworks show back on July 4th.

Also booger eating.

class photo

class photo

Something about school pictures always strikes me as oddly artificial, but they do seem to get decent shots. Plus – and I’m biased, I know – he’s awfully cute.




He makes this face all the time. Sometimes it is merely cute. Sometimes it is hysterical.

number one

number one

I have a son.

Not just a son, but a wonderful, happy, developing-incredibly-fast boy who’s reached one of those inevitable milestones that’s simultaneously exciting and terrifying. On September 27th, Cooper turned one.

The double-sided reaction is still there: I can’t believe he’s already a year old / I can’t believe he’s only a year old. But it’s starting to slide a bit towards the ‘already’ side, which I suppose means I’m (finally) settling in to this whole fatherhood thing.

In lieu of a big to-do, we had nice little get together for his birthday, just the grandparents and uncle David (who we have to thank for the cake photos). There were some presents – including a reunion with a former favorite daycare toy, which was a bit of a showstopper – and of course, the first cake.

If I have my math right, here’s approximately 9,000 words describing the event…

c is for cookie

c is for cookie

Cooper’s first sugar cookie. Trips to the grocery store just got a whole lot more appealing…