Not a lot to post about lately, but Cooper had his four-month checkup this past week, and once again everything went swimmingly. His current notable numbers and percentiles:

  • Weight: 16lb 6.5oz (66%)
  • Head Circ: 16.73″ (72%)
  • Height: 26.75″ (97%)

Basically his weight and head size are normalizing, but he’s still very tall. I still envision a 6’9″ 15-year-old…

Everything else went well until the shots came–three needles and a vial of goo to drink–and although he didn’t enjoy them, I think they were a bit less traumatic than the two-month volley. He certainly seemed less irritated by the injection sites that evening and the next day.

In any case, we’re moving closer and closer to the really big milestone of daycare. Not exactly sure how I feel about that.