

The boy is two years old. We had a great birthday weekend with him, and unlike last year he seemed to get the idea that the day was all about him. He really seemed to enjoy everyone singing happy birthday, so much that after he’d smashed a bit of cake – literally, cake icing is squishy fun!- he requested an encore. “Do birfday again?”

He made out like a (very small, uncoordinated) bandit with a lot of toys, most of which were marked for 3+, but hey, he’s a genius. A few photos are attached (thanks Uncle David), more likely to come as they come in.


This is obviously a very late post, but here’s Cooper’s first fireworks show back on July 4th.

Also booger eating.

class photo

class photo

Something about school pictures always strikes me as oddly artificial, but they do seem to get decent shots. Plus – and I’m biased, I know – he’s awfully cute.